Thursday, September 11, 2014

Microsoft Vs. Minecraft

Minecraft for 2 billion dollars...

That's the price, Markus "Notch" Persson, the owner of Mojang has put on Minecraft, the international sensation. Microsoft has developed an interest partly due to Minecraft's success on the Xbox 360, but it's weird because Notch personally hates Microsoft as a company. Notch has made it very clear on several occasions that Microsoft is a terrible company. For example, he accused them of "trying to ruin the PC as an open platform" with Windows 8. It seems like Notch does not have any interest in pursuing Minecraft any further and sell it at it's high point rather than a later low point.

It's not the first franchise that Microsoft has bought, the most notable being Bungie's Halo series. Hopefully Microsoft will keep Minecraft alive, if Microsoft goes through with the deal.

This news troubles me though, mostly because you may be forced into using a Microsoft account. God knows what that will require or what hoops they will make you jump through. Only time will tell.

~ Melody♫

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